19 Nov 2018
The security of a country starts from the border, and one of the guarantees of the border’s safety is the population and welfare of the frontier villages. Perhaps, this is the reason why most of our company’s social responsibility projects focus on border villages. This year was the 10th anniversary of our company’s foundation. Different ideas were raised on celebrating the anniversary worthily, but eventually, the company’s directorate stopped on an important decision; the anniversary will be celebrated by charity and we will repair the cafeteria of border village Tavush.
The realization of undertaking this important initiative was great, however we felt the real value of our decision on the spot, during the opening ceremony of the cafeteria. Children welcomed us with salt and bread, singing and dancing and it is impossible to describe the excitement we felt, seeing pure, simple and thankful faces of the children. It is noteworthy, that the initiative coincided with 130th anniversary of the school. Within our limits we will always support such structures and will do everything to ensure the durability of border villages that have a long history and are standing under enemy’s fire.