17 Oct 2022
The 30th anniversary of USDA's activities in Armenia
2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) activities in Armenia, and on this occasion, on October 10-16, 2022, the "Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development" (CARD) Foundation hosted the executive heads and directors of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The guest list included Tim Grosser - USDA MAP Program Washington Office Manager, Craig Infanger - USDA MAP Armenia Program Director, Jeffrey Engels - USDA MAP Armenia Program last Director and СARD's first Director, Lawrence Barbieri - USDA FAS Program Armenia Coordinator.
The guests spent a week in the capital and regions. They visited the CARD office, met old colleagues, and got acquainted with the current activities of the CARD Foundation and the companies founded by the latter. Then they visited the organizations founded with the help of USDA programs in 1996-2005, which are now carrying out successful business activities. Thanks to USDA's continued support, the wineries, dairy factories, and fruit and vegetable processing companies established today are highly successful organizations with stable positions in both local and international markets. The guests also visited the National Agrarian University of Armenia, and on the last day of their visit, a final event was organized, which was attended by representatives of the RA Ministry of Economy, the National Agrarian University of Armenia, and the agribusiness community representatives.
The guests were impressed by the visit and amazed by the achievements they witnessed after 30 years of USDA operations in Armenia. They left excited by the successful outcome of their investment and work at the same time being certain that Armenia's agricultural sector is developing at a sustainable and continuous pace.