11 Sep 2017
Dr. Konstantinos Kousenidis shares his experience
Within the frames of the ADA funded “Animal Health Management in Armenia and Georgia, Phase II” project, CARD Foundation hosted Dr. Konstantinos Kousenidis from Topigs Norsvin Hellas company. The two-day visit aimed at the transfer of technical expertise in the sphere of pig genetics improvement, genetics harvesting and distribution, artificial insemination and pig farm management. Mr. Kousenidis visited the newly established Pig Genetic Center to evaluate the whole chain of the Center activities, including the genetics harvesting, semen handling and packaging. Working closely with the staff and CARD Animal Health Management project team he provided practical advice and recommendations on the improvement of the day-to-day activities and proper handling of the boars, recently imported from the Topigs Norsvin Hellas company.
Armenian veterinarians and farmers benefited much from the workshop, delivered by Mr. Kousenidis on the Progress in Pig production. In spite of the time limitation, he managed to share his experience and knowledge with the audience, stimulating a lot of interaction, interesting discussions and question-and-answer sessions. “Representing the most innovative swine genetics company we stand for the knowledge and support, helping producers to get the best from the animals”, Mr. Kousenidis noted at the end.