Vocational Training for Farmers
Duration: 3 months August-October 2022
Start Date: August 12
Vocational Training for Farmers
Competition Type: Request for Proposals
Description: RECONOMY is a regional inclusive and green economic development program of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in partnership with CARD foundation and others in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan countries. Within the RECONOMY program CARD foundation implements the Food Systems pilot project aiming at offering innovative solutions for fragmented agricultural production to move into a profitable sector that would lead to the increase of agriculture’s contribution to total employment, strengthening the intersectoral linkages and utilizing the potential of secondary cities.
The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from quality training providers who have the capacity to develop and deliver training programs designed to further the skills of farmers in four regions of Armenia.
The Offeror, in coordination with CARD and FarmFresh, is responsible for designing and conducting short courses on the following subjects:
- Nowadays agriculture and high-value products for local consumption
- Agro business: how to manage, sell and find markets
- Financial literacy: cost and revenue management
- Technical literacy: e-commerce and marketplaces
- Social Media Marketing in agribusiness: impact of online presence and digital marketing tools
Frequency of the training - Every week with 1 community by 2 meetings
Total hours per week - 10hrs
Expected number of participants per community - 20
Expected total number of participants - 240
Location - Armavir, Aragatsotn, Syunik, Ararat regions, detailed information will be provided upon selection.
The proposals should ensure the following is covered:
- Professional fees
- Transportation
- Training venue and refreshments/meals during the training (excluding dinner)
- Computer, LCD projector for the training sessions
- Flip charts (if required)
- Course materials
Price should be inclusive of 20% VAT.
The Offeror must provide evidence of extended experience in developing similar work in the agriculture sector. Experts, group of experts are allowed to apply.
The Offeror must provide information on the number of personnel to be assigned to this project together with their CVs. Provide evidence that nominated persons have the ability to carry the required tasks.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Interested Candidates are welcome to send their offers, financial information together with a letter of interest by this email address: avetik.pepanyan@card.am